Penulis merupakan pecinta catur. Sebab, dalam 64 petak warna hitam-putih penulis menemukan sebuah keabadian hidup, kearifan serta keajaiban yang tak ada habisnya. Para penguasa, kapitalis, politisi, dan juga kaum agamawan, maaf. Hanya pada catur kami percaya.
(The blog author is chess lovers. Because, on the 64 pieces black-white chess board, I found an eternity live, wisdom, and never ending magic. For the capitalist, politician, and also religion leader, I’m sorry. Only in chess we trust.
The reason I make this blog because I seen not many blog about chess in Indonesia, even in newspaper or mainstream media. This path I choose even I know this is the lonely way.
If you think this blog useful and want to make sure this blog still alive, you can contributing for chess article, chess event or make donation from your company profile advertise. You can contact the writer at Long live chess!!!)
8 komentar:
kok susah ya, jawabannya apa sih?
1. Ng6+ hxg6
2. Rh1++
1.Ng6+ hxg6
2. Rh1++
Pion Jatim
Kuda maju sambil skak. Kuda terpaksa dimakan bidak di depan raja. Benteng putih digeser ke kanan untuk skak mat.
Salah raja hitam masih bisa geser
Misal benteng dulu baru kuda ?
b1 ke h1 trus h4 ke g6
Kuda maju sambul skak ... Kuda di makan sama bidak depan raja hitam...... Lalu benteng putih skak mat kkanan sudut ...... Balas
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